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VAT Rated Products

Is your book subject to VAT? If you're unsure, then this is the page for you. Some printed items are tax-free, but others will require VAT paid on them.

What is VAT?

Value Added Tax or VAT is a consumption tax levied on the sale of goods and services in the UK. Established in 1973, VAT was introduced as a result of Britain entering the European Economic Community.

The standard rate of VAT is currently 20% and this applies to some printed products.

What products include VAT?

Zero-rated VAT-rated
Books Business Cards
Booklets  Calendars
Brochures Diaries (Unused)
Catalogues Greetings Cards
Colouring Books (Children's) Manuscripts
Comics Order Books or Forms
Hymn Books Planners
Instruction Manuals Record Books
Sheet Music  
Order of Service  
Picture Books  
Price Lists (without Order Form)  
Recipe Book  
Sports Programmes  
Text Books  
Travel Brochures  

Are there any exceptions to VAT?

Zero-rated products may still be applicable for VAT when the following are in use.

- Voucher of Admissions

VAT is charged if your print products, e.g. books or booklets, are used as admission to premises. Using words such as 'free admission with flyer' would make this applicable.

- Discount Usage

VAT is charged if your print product is used to obtain a discount on goods and services. Using words such as '25% off with this leaflet' would make this applicable.

- Writable Area

VAT is charged if your print product has an area/areas designed to be written on. These are often found in products such as postcards, certificates, forms and more.

- Writable Booklets

Books and Booklets are zero-rated when it comes to VAT. However, if they are designed and printed to be written on then they are applicable for VAT. These include examples such as diaries, record books and calendars.

More information on VAT can be found through the official HMRC website, here.

How do I pay VAT?

If one of your items requires VAT then please use our tick box when placing an order through your online account. VAT will then be added onto your final price before you pay.

If you have any further questions regarding VAT, then please contact one of our account managers at