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How to Find Inspiration to Write and Get Creative Thumbnail

How to Find Inspiration to Write and Get Creative

Published 26/03/2019 | BPUK Team | Advice

Find inspiration to write with Book Printing UK. Whether it's quote from famous authors, tips and tricks from us, or general advice, we aim to help you!

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Writer's Block 5 Great Tips to Beat It Thumbnail

Writer's Block 5 Great Tips to Beat It

Published 23/02/2019 | BPUK Admin | Advice

Writer's block is a real pain when all you want to do is sit and finish your book. There is no proven way to beat it but here are our tips and tricks.

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Prepare Your Manuscript The How, What and Why Thumbnail

Prepare Your Manuscript The How, What and Why

Published 11/02/2019 | BPUK Team | Advice

The final step before getting your book to print is to prepare your manuscript. Here's our tips to ensure it's print ready.

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Editing and Proofreading: Do I Need a Professional Thumbnail

Editing and Proofreading: Do I Need a Professional

Published 15/12/2018 | | Advice

When it comes to editing and proofreading, a professional, outside opinion might be just what you're looking for. Book Printing UK can help!

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4 Legalities You Might Forget When Self-Publishing Thumbnail

4 Legalities You Might Forget When Self-Publishing

Published 17/01/2018 | BPUK Team | General

4 Legalities You Might Forget When Self-Publishing

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5 Reasons You Should Hire a Professional Cover Designer Thumbnail

5 Reasons You Should Hire a Professional Cover Designer

Published 13/11/2017 | BPUK Team | General

5 Reasons You Should Hire a Professional Cover Designer

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Printing Perfect Bound Books Thumbnail

Printing Perfect Bound Books

Published 01/01/1970 | | Advice

Perfect bound books are cost effective, durable and of high quality. We look at why perfect bound books are perfect for book printing.

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How Do I Print My Book? - Book Printing UK's 6 Steps Thumbnail

How Do I Print My Book? - Book Printing UK's 6 Steps

Published 01/01/1970 | BPUK Team | Advice

After finishing your writing you may be wondering, 'How do I print my book?' With our 6 steps, we'll take you through the printing process.

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