Fulfilment what is it and how does it help you

Home > Blog > Fulfilment what is it and how does it help you

Published 12:00am, 09/03/2020 by BPUK Team | General

Fulfilment what is it and how does it help you Image

The thing about fulfilment is it’s not unique to book printing! It’s basically when you pay someone to manage the stock, orders and admin that comes with having a product to sell. In our case and yours, it’s books and we can help you manage the daily orders, so you don’t have to!

Fulfilment with Book Printing UK

No matter what type of book printer you are, maybe a business, publisher, first-time author or entrepreneur, we’ve fulfilled orders for them all.

When you choose us to do your fulfilment, you never have to worry about storing your books, running a list of orders, shipping them and any admin that follows.

Benefits of Fulfilment with Book Printing UK

The list of benefits tend to differ depending on the person or company that needs fulfilment, but the main ones are present no matter who you are. Those benefits include:

  • Save you time – admin, what admin? We take care of it all, so you don’t have to, giving you more time for the important things in your day!
  • Save you space – no need to have stock lying around waiting to be ordered, store them at our warehouse and keep space free for what you need it for.
  • Dedicated account manager – Never worry about managing your account as that’s what our account managers do. They make sure everything runs smoothly and contact you if an issue comes up.
  • No peaks and lows to manage – Print more or store more depending on your sales without a worry.
  • Generate more business for yourself – include marketing material printed on-site in your orders to help promote you and your work.

These are just a few of the benefits you get when you choose to have your orders fulfilled through Book Printing UK and there can be even more!

You won’t know until you have your orders fulfilled so what are you waiting for?

Fulfilment for Edible Art

One customer who we fulfil orders for is Damien Wager and his book ‘Edible Art’. Damien printed his first book with us back in October 2019 and has continued to improve upon it with every print run. Now on his 3rd edition, his book is doing amazing and we’ve been there to help every step of the way.

Fulfilment what is it and how does it help you Image

Damien is a chef and chefs if you didn’t know, work ridiculous hours. With friends in the hospitality industry, I know first-hand how busy they are and how valuable free time is. It’s for that reason Damien entrusted his orders to us. With his upcoming move to New York for work at a prestigious establishment, his priorities will be even more geared towards work, but that’s no reason why he should miss out on selling more books and we understand that.

With his dedicated account manager, Damien simply uploads a CSV of his orders and Sam (his account manager) will get the orders shipped out across the world!

It is that simple. Damien focuses on his day to day life and works while we manage his book orders to make sure he gets the both of both worlds.

Does this sound right for you?

Are you interested in fulfilment for your books or simply want to learn a little more? Why not get in touch with one of our account managers who can help you and find out what we can do for your books.

We are available on 01733 898102, from 9 – 5, Mondays - Fridays where we’ll eagerly be awaiting your call. If you’d rather drop us an email, you can reach us at info@bookprintinguk.com.